~Last up-dated January 2021~
Assalaamu Alaikum!
We need your help to print more Islamic books for children…
In order to publish high quality, engaging books for mini Muslims, we look for talented illustrators who don’t come cheap, and then we face the added costs of getting the books printed and shipped. We are currently almost sold out of our best selling Board Books and need to print in the thousands to bring the cost price down and save on future shipping.
Your contribution will help tremendously in our mission to develop children’s LOVE for ALLAH and ENTHUSIASM for ISLAM!
Donating results in rewards for you too InshaAllah!
Imagine your money transforming into colourful ink on the pages of a book which a child holds and admires.
Imagine your rewards mounting up when a child learns from and acts upon the Islamic teachings of the book throughout his/her life.
Then imagine that child, as an adult, teaching his/her own child in the future.
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).” -Sahih Muslim
And now imagine the book itself – the one YOU helped to fund – imagine how many hands and hearts it could touch for years to come -in shaa Allah!
And that’s not all!
Since Ramadan 2020 we’ve linked each of our books to a charitable cause so not only do our book sales fund further books, but we also donate a percentage to the following charities & causes:
SKT Welfare (funding the education and welfare of Syrian orphans living in a family centre in Turkey)
Global Relief Trust (funding educational packs for underprivileged children)
Al Ishara (funding their mission to translate and teach the Qur’an into British Sign Language)
Disabled Muslims Network (funding Eid presents for disabled Muslim children)
Ummah Welfare Trust (funding the building of a shelter for young girls who would otherwise be married off young or sold into prostitution)
Your donation will go far indeed Subhaan Allah!
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your time and support.
Love and Dua’s
Your sister Rabia Bashir
Author & Founder
Or you can donate via PayPal: info@bismillahbees.com (Please put ‘DONATION’ as the reference)
If you wish to make a bank transfer or become a monthly supporter, here are the bank details:
Bismillah Bees LTD
Starling Bank
Account Number: 19712347
Sort Code: 608371
IBAN: GB06SRLG60837119712347
PLEASE NOTE: We are a (non-profit) limited company, operating like a Community Interest Company (to serve the Ummah and the needy). We only pay our freelancers, printers and running costs. The Director and family members do not receive any income from Bismillah Bees. Your donation will be invested in a forthcoming book or product InshaAllah. Jazak Allahu Khairan for your trust and support.
The Backstory
I grew up in the 80s/90s when there were no catchy and engaging books to help me develop love for Allah and enthusiasm for Islam. I was made to fear Allah and often threatened with hellfire. Deep down in my heart, I believed in Allah and loved Him but I practiced Islam out of fear and/or to please elders and the community.
After 9/11, I began to look into Islam and over the years my love and obedience grew. Isn’t it easier to practice Islam when you do things out of love and appreciation of Allah? I still fear Him, and so we should, but my love for Him is greater and the promise of Jannah is much more motivating.
In 2016, I became a mother and wanted to give my son Rayyan a different Islamic start in life to the one I had. One day, whilst singing ‘Row, row, row your boat’ I changed the words to ‘Pray, pray, pray salah’ and Rayyan loved it just as much as the original! That was the first draft of my first book ‘Five Pillars: Just To Please Allah’.
By the time I finished writing the book, I had set up Precious Bees as Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity). Salaries/profits are not taken by me or any family member. 100% of the money made through book sales, workshops and author events gets reinvested back into Precious Bees for forthcoming books and resources.
Five Pillars: Just To Please Allah and Good Deeds: Just To Please Allah launched in 2018 by which time I had been blessed with my second son Ridhwan. The feedback has been amazing and we’ve almost sold out for the second time, Alhamdulillah!
It has been a blessing and privilege to watch my boys grow up whilst reading my books. Not only do they love them, but more and more families are investing in our books, and children around the world are reading/singing with joy about Allah and Islam, Alhamdulillah!
Following the success of our first two boardbooks, we went onto write and publish more books which have been equally popular:
It’s Springtime! A book about Alhamdulillah
Let’s Pray! A Songbook About Salah Times
Imagine Me In Jannah!
Two Pigeons on a Pilgrimage: A Hajj Story
In Ramadan 2020 I changed the name from Precious Bees to Bismillah Bees and as stated above, began supporting different charities with a percentage of book sales. Alhamdulillah.
Over the next few months, we are publishing a few more paperback books inshaAllah, including:
Ramadan’s Coming! The Songbook (supporting SKT Welfare’s water project)
A book about Muslim Potty Training (supporting Muslim Hands’ latrine project)
and more…
We are in need of your donations to pay illustrators and printing firms.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan once again for your time and donation.
Love and Dua’s
Your sister Rabia Bashir
Author & Founder